Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Advice to Freshmen!

I don't really have any advice for freshmen. Surviving the halls in high school aren't really that hard. There are things in school that you know that you shouldn't do, for example : cussing a teacher out. I'm pretty sure that you have more common sense then that. The only advice I can give is that you stay true to who you are and that you don't change for anyone else. Also remember to be careful of what you do sometimes because rumors can spread very quickly, I know from past experiences...be careful of people who say they are your friends but really aren't. They could be keeping your secrets and end up using them against you. In other words know who your true friends are. You will learn a lot of things your freshmen year that will help you in life, I hope that you take things very seriously, or at least try to take things more serious because I learned currently this past Monday that there is a time to play and a time not to. I hope also respect the rules in your school, even if you don't like them (like the non-TA outwear rule sucks in my opinion!). That is all the advice I have for now...you can also ask me questions if you want!

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